
Showing posts from August, 2021

The King and Macaw Parrots

  Once upon a time, there was a king who had gone to visit neighboring kingdoms. He was gifted a pair of baby Macaw Parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting. They were the most beautiful birds he had ever seen. So, upon returning to his kingdom, he called for a   bird   trainer and asked him to train macaw parrots. The king also arranged a place in the palace garden for the parrots. He often looked at them from his palace window. As time passed, one day the trainer came to the palace and informed the king that though one of the parrots was flying majestically high in the sky, the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived. Upon hearing this, the king summoned trainers and healers from the nearby kingdoms. They all tried their best, but couldn’t make the  parrot   fly ! He even asked his courtiers to try to find a way to make the  parrot   fly  but they all failed. The  parrot  was not moving from his branch at all. Finally, after trying e

A limit of your Kindness

Recently Steve had a  car  accident. So he put his  car  in the garage to carry out the repair work. Since he had to go to the job daily, he decided that until the  car  is ready, he will travel by metro train. One day, he noticed a homeless guy at the  train station  at night. He felt pity for him, so he gave him some change from his pocket. The homeless guy thanked him for it. The next day again, he noticed the homeless guy at the same place. This time Steve thought to get him something to eat, so he went outside the station and brought him a meal. The homeless guy thanked him for his kindness. But Steve got curious and asked him, “How did you get to this point?” The homeless guy looked up at him and with a  smile , he said, “By Showing Love.” Steve didn’t understand it, so he asked him, “What do you mean by that?” The homeless guy replied that “Throughout my whole life, I made sure that everyone was happy. No matter what was going right or wrong in my life, I always helped everyone.

The Way God Helps

  There was a small village by the   river . Everyone lived happily and offered regular prayers at the village temple ( Church ). Once during the monsoon season, it rained heavily. The   river   started overflowing and flood entered the village. Everyone started to evacuate their homes and set out to go to a safe place. One man ran to the temple ( Church ). He quickly went to the  priest ’s room and told him, “The flood  water  has entered into our homes and it is rising quickly. And  water  has also started to enter the temple. We must leave the village as in no time it will sink under the  water ! Everyone has set out to go to the safer place and you must come along”. The  priest  told the man, “I am not an atheist like you all and I have full faith in God. I trust God that he will come to save me. I will not leave the temple, You may go!” So, the man left. Soon, the  water  level started to rise and reached the waist height. The  priest  climbed on the desk. After a few minutes, a m