
Sometimes Just let it be.

 Once Buddha walked from one town to another with a few of his followers, this was in the initial days. While they were travelling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, “I am thirsty. Please get me some water from that lake there”. The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing the lake right at the edge of it. As a result, the water became very muddy and very turbid. The disciple thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?!” So, he came back and told the Buddha, “The water in there is very muddy. I don’t think it is fit to drink”. So, the Buddha said, let us take a little rest here by the tree. After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake

Learn to Appreciate

Once upon a time, there was a man who was very helpful, kindhearted, and generous. He was a man who will help someone without asking for anything to pay him back. He will help someone because he wants to and he loves to.  One day while walking down a dusty  road , this man saw a purse, so he picked it up and noticed that the purse was empty. Suddenly a woman with a  policeman  shows up and gets him arrested. The woman kept on asking where did he hide her money but the man replied, “It was empty when I found it, Mam.” The woman yelled at him, “Please give it back, It’s for my son’s   school   fees.”  The man noticed that the woman really felt sad, so he handed her all his money.  He could say that the woman was a single mother.  The man said, “Take these, sorry for the inconvenience.”  The woman left and a   policeman   held the man for further questioning. The woman was very happy but when she counted her money, later on, it was doubled, she was shocked.  One day while the woman was go

Believe in yourself - II

One day King came to his garden and saw withering and dying trees, bushes and flowers. An oak said it dies because it can’t be as high as a pine. A pine tree was falling down because it could not give grapes like a grapevine. Meanwhile the grapevine was dying because it couldn’t blossom like a rose. But soon the King found a single plant, pleasing heart, bloomy and fresh. The king asked: All the trees and flowers here are withering, and you are flourishing, why? – I think it comes naturally. You have planted me, because it was Your wish and Your choice. If you would like to grow an oak, grapes or rose, you would plant them. And I cannot be anything else than what I am. So I try to develop my best qualities. Look at yourself. You can be only yourself. It is impossible for you to become someone else.  You can enjoy life and blossom or you can wither if you do not accept yourself.

Believe In Yourself - I

Jim worked at a radio station all his life. He was a well-known and famous radio show host. All of his friends and colleges knew him by one feature: if he’s on-air, he is always wearing a suit and a tie. They laughed at him: ‘No one ever sees you, why do you dress like that?’, but he always turned that into a joke. One day Jim was invited to appear on the TV. There was a show dedicated to the oldest radio employees. For the first time the people, who only knew him by his voice, would see him. Before the recording of the show, the director came to Jim and asked: – Usually you arrive on time, but today you are 10 minutes late. It’s not horrible, but I’m still interested, why? – You see, – Jim answered, – at the last moment when I was already dressed up, I noticed that I don’t have new socks. For the first time I was invited to the television, and I thought that simply wearing clean sock is not enough. It needs to be in new socks. So I needed to go to the store for socks. – But why do you

The Travelers and The Plane Tree

Two men were walking along one summer day. Soon it became too hot to go any further and, seeing a large plane tree nearby, they threw themselves on the ground to rest in its shade. Gazing up into the branches one man said to the other, “What a useless tree this is. It does not have fruit or nuts that we can eat and we cannot even use its wood for anything.” “Don’t be so ungrateful,” rustled the tree in reply. “I am being extremely useful to you at this very moment, shielding you from the hot sun. And you call me a good-for-nothing!” Moral: All of God’s creations have a good purpose. We should never belittle God’s blessings.

The Eternal Bond of Brother and Sister

I was born in a secluded village on a  mountain . Day after day, my parents plowed the yellow dry soil with their backs towards the sky. One day, I wanted to buy a handkerchief, which all girls around me seemed to have. So, one day I stole 50 cents from my father’s drawer. Father discovered the stolen money right away. “Who stole the money?” he asked my brother and me. I was stunned, too afraid to talk. Neither of us admitted to the fault, so he said, “Fine if nobody wants to admit it, you both should be punished!” Suddenly, my younger brother gripped Father’s hand and said, “Dad, I was the one who did it!” He took the blame, and punishment, for me. In the middle of the night, all of sudden, I cried out loudly. My brother covered my mouth with his little hand and said, “Sis, now don’t cry anymore. Everything has happened.” I will never forget my brother’s expression when he protected me. That year, my brother was 8 years old and I was 11 years old. I still hate myself for not having en

Developing a Relationship

Nita was recently married and had started living in a joint family with her husband and in-laws. After a few days, she started to realize that she is not able to get along with her mother-in-law.  Nita’s mother-in-law was conservative whereas Nita was liberal with a modern lifestyle.  Soon they both started quarreling due to differences in opinions and lifestyles. As days and months passed, none of them changed their behavior. Nita became very aggressive over time and started to hate her mother-in-law. She started to think about how to get rid of her mother-in-law.  Once, as usual, when she quarreled with her mother-in-law and her husband took his mother’s side, she became where angry and left for her father’s home.  Nita’s father was a chemist and her… He also told her, “Because no one should have doubt about you, from today onwards, you will not fight at all with your mother in law but instead you will be very caring towards her, even if she says something which you don’t like, you w